- Car Parking
- Garden
- Restaurants
- Swimming Pool
The Hotel Locanda l'Elisa, a pretty deep lavender villa stands at the foot of a range of hills close to Lucca.
In the sitting area of Elisa it is possible to relax in front of the white-marble fireplace with a drink or a book. We also invite you to leave a comment in our Guest book to remind us of your stay in our hotel.
The Restaurant is situated in a Victorian style conservatory surrounded by a luxuriant garden of bushes, flowers and aquatic plants, crossed by a burbling brook and a large swimming pool.
A Villa that was rebuilt in the early eighteenth century by a Napoleonic official who arrived in Lucca in the retinue of Elisa Baciocchi, Duchess of the town and sister of Napoleon III. The quiet and charming Villa became an elegant hotel in 1992.
In fact, traces of works affected at the time can be found in the residual colours found under the plastering and in decorative elements still to be found in some rooms. In the conversion to a hotel, though I would prefer to say house, account was taken of this precedent decoration, creating 10 suites and the salons with eighteenth century furniture, fabrics and carpets designed and based on illustrations from the period, the doors and woodwork taken from the motif found on site.