Elounda Argiro Stone Home

Mavrikiano Elounda Crete 15124 Greece
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The owners of this House have made a thorough study to produce a proper Historical picture seeking information from the relatives of the original owners and of the neighbors who gladly provided the information contained therein. The House was first built in 1875 by Sfirakis family comprising of a small Living Room, in the second section the Bedroom and at the very end the Stables and a part to accommodate the sheep and goats.

During this period and until the end of 19th century Greece and Islands including Crete lived under the Turkish Rule and the island was freed in 1895 when the exchange population between Turks living in Greece and Greeks living in Asia Minor took place. The family kept poor contact with the Pasha of the region the Headquarters of which was in the nearby Village of Elounda due to its resistance to pay the heavy taxes. In a clash which resulted to the death of the Turk Tax Collector with Sfirakis eldest son, the entire family fled to the mountains to escape revenge. The Turks brought down the House and the rest of family relatives fled to St Nicolas and Sitia.

When Turks departed Sfirakis family returned and rebuilt the house to its old origin but with poor materials which deteriorated and again family was forced to evacuate the property in 1920 that eventually fell apart. The House was sold to George Theodosopoulos a well known architect and a lover of Tradition and Heritage who reconstructed it to its original form adding the sofa area ( Master Bedroom ) and Terrace with Kitchen and Barbecue. At the entrance of the House a new Kitchen and Wooden Sofa section were added together with a modern but tiny bathroom. When the works terminated in 1970 the House was given as present to his lady friend who used it as a Summer Residence for fifteen years. Shortly afterwards the architect died and the House was sold to Mrs Kakaounakis, who never used it. In fact she bought it without seeing it or ever living in it. In 1994 she sold it to its present owners " The Traditional Homes of Crete " and the Company made extensive repairs to bring the House to its present state.

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Availability for:  1 Adults   01/08/2024 - 02/08/2024

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Argiro Stone House Non Refundable

Argiro Stone Home 1-6 Nights stay


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