Gorah Elephant Camp

P.O. Box 454, 6600
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The first private concession in a National Park, is a premier lodge set in the heart of the malaria-free Addo Elephant National Park, home to the densest elephant population on earth.


Whether experiencing the majesty of elephant herds gathering by the waterhole, or encounters at matchlessly close range, the Gorah experience is totally unique. And perfectly compliments your Garden Route Adventure. With arguably the best elephant viewing in South Africa, Addo is also the domain of the Cape Buffalo, Black Rhino, numerous antelope species and a wealth of bird life.


Deep within the shadows of the dense valley bushveld of the Sundays River region of the Eastern Cape is the Addo Elephant National park. Here, safe from rentless persecution, leviathans of bush now roam in peace. Today this finely tuned ecosystem is sanctuary to over 200 elephants, buffalo, a variety of antelope species, as well as the unique flightless dung beetle, found almost exclusively in Addo.

Some of the Animals you may get to see at Gorah Elephant Camp:

Black Backed Jackal Canis Mesomelas Muzzle, long, pointed. Ears upright, pointed. Lips, chin and throat white. mantle of black flecked with white on back of neck, shoulders, back, upper flanks. Sides of neck, lower flanks and limbs buffy to rich reddish-brown. Tail bushy with black tip.

Black Rhino Diceros Bicornis The second largest land animal (after the elephant). Reaches up to 1.8. high at the shoulder and weighs up to 1400kgs. Sense of sight is poor, but hearing and smell are acute. Is a browser and feeds on leaves and herbs. Has no front teeth but a prehensile upper lip with which to strip branches clean of leaves.

Buffalo Syncerus Caffer Curved horns on both sexes rise from heavy bases, spread out and downwards then cure up and inwards. Brownish - gray, darkening with age. Herds of up to thousands. Old bulls solitary or in small groups.

Elephant Loxodonta Africana Largest land mammal. Females and young live in family herds. Males live in solitary or in small groups. Complex social life. Drink daily if possible, fond of bathing and wallowing. Eats about 170kg (up to 300kg) of vegetarian per day.

Kudu Tragelaphus strepsiceros Narrow white bar across face just in front of eyes. arge ears. Wide spiralling horns on males only. Pale grey-brown with narrow vertical white stripes over back. Tail brown above, white below. Small herds in woodlands and savannah where water is available. Males and females separate except in breeding season. Mainly browses but also grazes fresh grass.

Ostrich Struthio Camelus Long gray neck. males, black with white wings and chestnut tail. Females, drab brown. Live in wooded grassland and thornveld.

Red Hartebeest Alcephus Buselaphus Head, long and narrow. Black on top of muzzle. Horns are high in the head, rise straight up, curve forwards then sharply backwards. back slopes from hump on shoulder. Brick-red with black on shoulders and legs. pale upper rump. Herds of up to 20 sometime aggregations of hundreds. Breeding bulls territorial.

Warthog Phacochoerus aethiopicus Blunt muscular snout. Large tusks emerge from mouth , curve upwards and inwards. large "warts" on side of face. Coarse, dark mane on neck and back. Rest of body sparsely bristly. Thin tail. uns with tail held straight up. Omnivorous.

Zebra Equus Burchelli Black muzzle. Striped black and white on the face and body. Usually pale chestnut shadow stripes on rump. No dewlap. Breeding groups of up to about 5 mares held by one stallion. Young males from bachelor herds. Grazes on short grass in grasslands and open woodlands where water is available.


The Gorah House - Restored to it's 19th century colonial splendour and period furnished, the main house reflects a noble opulence and delivers the meticulous service and attention to detail that characterises Hunter's properties.

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Availability for:  1 Adults   23/09/2024 - 24/09/2024

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